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This interface provides merchants with the ability to transfer funds to the PayBy user account (Account registered with mobile phone number in PayBy or Botim APP).



Production :


Http Header


Content-Language String

The language in which the response message will be used, currently only English is supported.

Example value: en

Maximum length: 10

Content-Type String Required

The media type. Required for operations with a request body. The value is application/<format>, where format is json.

Example value: application/json

sign String Required

Requests should be signed using private-key cryptography. This allows the payment gateway to verify that an incoming request is really from your application.

Partner-Id String Required

The merchant id of your account.

Example value: 200001200101

Maximum length: 12

Http Body

requestTime Timestamp Required

Request time of the order. If the request time is more than 15 minutes away from the current time, the request will be rejected. This parameter is used to prevent repeated requests for orders that should have been cancelled due to timeouts.

Example value: 1581493898000

bizContent Object

  • merchantOrderNo String Required

    The merchant's reference number of the request. Used to track every request.

    Example value: M965739182419

    Maximum length: 64

  • beneficiaryIdentityType String Required

    The fund can be transferred to the beneficiary through mobile phone number, PayBy member id or BOTIM member id.

    The possible values are:

    PHONE_NO. Transfer through mobile phone number.

    MEMBER_ID. Transfer through PayBy member id.

Maximum length: 20

  • beneficiaryIdentity String Required

    After selecting the beneficiary identity type, what value should be passed.

    The parameter needs to be encrypted when passed, and SHA-256 algorithm is recommended.

    For PHONE_NO, example value: +971-585812345

    For MEMBER_ID, example value: 100006514321

    Maximum length: 20

  • beneficiaryFullName String

    If the parameter is passed, PayBy will verify whether the parameter is consistent with the beneficiary's KYC information. If not, the transfer will fail. If the parameter is not passed, PayBy will not perform verification.

    The parameter needs to be encrypted when passed, and SHA-256 algorithm is recommended.

    Maximum length: 100

  • amount Money Required

    How much AED do you want to transfer. The currency code must be AED.

    Type of LimitAmount
    Maximum Amount per transactionAED 10,000

    Note: Due to the quota limit, if the beneficiary's account balance + the transfer amount > 20,000, the transfer will fail.

  • memo String Required

    The description of this transfer.

    Maximum length: 200

  • notifyUrl String

    To receive asynchronous notifications of order status updates, you can pass the notify URL.

    Example value:

    Maximum length: 200

Request sample

Http Header
"Content-Language": "en",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Partner-Id": "200000018132",
"sign": "ODOK+d0os7q0FTWNKGTr6Yt3FlO6alfvIp+IhHfudxQZnAwU5FiTWvFVqgthcsvmIR5uYpcg8PT+ZMpaGnsyicmIDfutmUOh1qVwHddkWeUJr0/Mz8kZu01nyaBOaK3Onc6eR/oUnaVRnkelJIkY1T64+DWiihzcLHgsjIThpeYay/mEf8hajKlg2ciXyWpQiA1BOPA7VwQRlBArOA0FTMjJU02uWVj4eqHeBa4lED/p5hJGfSwmSWKMZ1QjqeJzFk1mpTyVLjPZLVltSxPsj/WSpRPXrVE9qKJxekiDVgalhtqB+/LKSMx4+Bb9z0zp2u8II3oTtaPGwwRtylyxdA=="

Http Body
"bizContent": {
"amount": {
"amount": 1.21,
"currency": "AED"
"beneficiaryFullName": "SgsiXi2T//eEymXADGbK7o0EE9wmCTQxi4gLNp7y1JYTW0PbGbEmYk2rmsLc56kSOMbgAGUPf0Na0qs3uPwwhyfGSrHJsxNB8J2wBhcvBm8eSX2BjS45qT/hI8pW2KhpprWVXMmwCCh7NX36Imp0WcsDg8o4EHKBKgg1GLBOBkCh7tHAEDMPhwOllsGYioPb9eKmXHoRlgBAosD+wgEayvLS2LgGb18gGMM3w4ujwLKllQ2g2cr3HiCzvEcaroiBJ/1XSjGQ5rJNVomLpXec05Mr9Ql2oszh8uGbayCL3M4EhppXsA0KTYkHhxmZ5yM7pWmpHQH2tRtxE8EM5j7o3g==",
"beneficiaryIdentity": "KUsQ3GNU/1p11hVHNljTQehKtjqhIvtED1aOcWuVqY2puGqiSs8ulAN51xLzaQ9mPcWnGry0Sqdun+mGdcroTOGZBP1zOXF3unps29JO7rkYCQK7pqAcelTV0QIi122QLqXmVpEKAcfT/zLRhQdxA9qf+XyOc4LfJTLVv02z+BRK02YvV+pwszbLzmqDJiffs0ffa32zqVDJFgM+sJgRYowW4v3QKvplpwjlEwjB6vnQO9mCBuLX/zz6q0wIQjjPiHLalUQRwOUzhXQU4aRYs7UBhNdy8wcn0dQNeWfZw1Pd30kwVAeDcPis48UsPET49wmDr/PDOdbFEqBPCLHxkA==",
"beneficiaryIdentityType": "PHONE_NO",
"memo": "Your memo",
"merchantOrderNo": "M021482754853",
"notifyUrl": ""
"requestTime": 1585142886252


Http Header

sign String Required

When PayBy sends response, PayBy will use its own private key to sign the message, and the merchant uses PayBy 's public key to verify the signature. If the verification is passed, it proves that the response was sent by PayBy and not faked by others.

Http Body


  • applyStatus Enum Required

    The result of the request. The possible values are:

    SUCCESS - Application successful. FAIL - Application failed. Check the code and msg for exact reason. ERROR - Application error. The signature verification failed. Please check whether the private key used for the signature and the public key uploaded on the PayBy portal are one key pair.

  • code String Required

    Response Codes.

    Example value: 0

  • msg String

    Description of this code.

  • traceCode String

    No special meaning, PayBy internally used to locate the error.



Body is returned only when applystatus = success, and code = 0. If applystatus = error or failed; or applystatus = success, code !=0 , that indicates an error. Please check errors and try again.

  • transferOrder Object

    • requestTime Timestamp Required

      Request time passed by the merchant when placing the order.

      Example value: 1581493898000

    • merchantOrderNo String Required

      The merchant's reference number of the request. Used to track every request.

      Example value: M965739182419

      Maximum length: 64

    • orderNo String Required

      The PayBy's unique identification number of the order.

      Example value: 131658300517875854

    • product String Required

      The product name of the API method used in the order. This product name is only used for PayBy internal classification.

      Maximum length: 100

    • status Enum Required

      The possible values are:

      CREATED. The order has been created.

      SUCCESS. The transfer completed.

      FAILURE. The order has been cancelled or expired.

    • paymentInfo Object

      • payerFeeAmount Money Required

        In this transfer, the fee that the payer needs to pay.

      • arrivalTime TimeStamp Required

        Estimated time of fund arrival. Note that this is not the actual arrival time.

        Example value: 1581493898000

    • beneficiaryIdentityType String Required

      The fund can be transferred to the beneficiary through mobile phone number, PayBy member id or BOTIM member id.

      The possible values are:

      PHONE_NO. Transfer through mobile phone number.

      MEMBER_ID. Transfer through PayBy member id.

    Maximum length: 20

    • beneficiaryIdentity String Required

      After selecting the beneficiary identity type, what value should be passed.

      The parameter needs to be encrypted when passed, and SHA-256 algorithm is recommended.

      For PHONE_NO, example value: +971-585812345

      For MEMBER_ID, example value: 100006514321

      Maximum length: 20

    • beneficiaryFullName String

      If the parameter is passed, PayBy will verify whether the parameter is consistent with the beneficiary's KYC information. If not, the transfer will fail. If the parameter is not passed, PayBy will not perform verification.

      The parameter needs to be encrypted when passed, and SHA-256 algorithm is recommended.

      Maximum length: 100

    • memo String Required

      The description of this transfer.

      Maximum length: 128

    • notifyUrl String

      To receive asynchronous notifications of order status updates, you can pass the notify URL.

      Example value:

      Maximum length: 200

    • failCode String

      If the order status is FAILURE, the code to identify the exact reason.

      Example value: 504

    • failDes String

      If the order status is FAILURE, the failure reason.

      Example value: SERVICE_TIMEOUT

Response sample

Http Header
"sign": "WzVWAdy4Z+tMhgqtuxle+R9P3R3Yn5uMeICj8jIFTBpfReJLviZY9Z5tecWpjXM8ESaxkhn052hE1TSYXncCzB0A/lFwwbP/ylJTw5y1kvhN8BMyO55kl7y1MRCwhNc5VrEFx96SJN1MvrpbzIxuLkf12GXoqXVO3VG9eKv+iErfPlEJ/7iYcjn7EI7s5Dk0iZ9jVvlK3CxSuJQkUmVz0UGHJBjd/912z54YjxAOdlxRmT4In9L2UXQZppihj79wf2xaH3Z1Pde3K4O1quFMbRXsHWvixIpsMcrfkOUoribXFo7e5+fMbEsIGA3t1EJNw7nKavmb3IrkP9CrW3Hfnw=="

Http Body
"head": {
"applyStatus": "SUCCESS",
"code": "0",
"msg": "SUCCESS",
"traceCode": "1127"
"body": {
"transferOrder": {
"amount": {
"amount": 1.21,
"currency": "AED"
"beneficiaryFullName": "5a0d9e4fd01a40ff3ab89dfde84c2253b5ea07c4ba8b4e5f25b81df3b73b9db0",
"beneficiaryIdentity": "a25c5bff2fabf6bccf8ff13a940f5d05d3927c1501373ac6fa129d4fa688417c",
"beneficiaryIdentityType": "PHONE_NO",
"memo": "company single pay",
"merchantOrderNo": "M021482754853",
"notifyUrl": "",
"orderNo": "911585142879004849",
"paymentInfo": {
"arrivalTime": 1585142880000,
"payerFeeAmount": {
"amount": 0,
"currency": "AED"
"product": "Transfer",
"requestTime": 1585142886252,
"status": "SUCCESS"