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Response code

The response returned by PayBy will contain the response code and message. Different codes represent different meanings, below is a list of possible codes, along with additional information about how to resolve them.


0SUCCESSThe request has been successful
400INVALID_PARAMETERThe parameter has not been passed correctly, please adjust the parameter
400REQUESTTIME_TOO_EARLYThe difference between the request time and the current time cannot exceed 15 minutes
400REQUESTTIME_TOO_LATERThe difference between the request time and the current time cannot exceed 15 minutes
402RATE_LIMIT_REJECTRequest frequency is too high
403UNAUTHORIZEDMerchant does not have permission to use this API, please contact PayBy
404SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLEAPI service is temporarily unavailable
500SYSTEM_ERRORSystem error
601RISK_FAILThe request was intercepted by the risk control system, please contact PayBy

Payment & Refund

Create order

62001ORDER_PAIDCreate order request cannot be executed when order is in this state
62002ORDER_FAILURECreate order request cannot be executed when order is in this state
62003ORDER_SETTLEDCreate order request cannot be executed when order is in this state
62008EXPIREDTIME_LESS_THAN_REQUESTTIMEThe expiredTime should be later than request time
62009EXPIREDTIME_TOO_LATERThe expiredTime should not exceed 48 hours after the request time.
62012PAYSCENECODE_ILLEGALThe parameter is outside the range of enumerated values
62016MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_EXISTAn order has already been created with the same merchantOrderNumber
62018PAYERMID_NOT_EXISTPayerMid not exist
62019PAYEEMID_NOT_EXISTPayeeMid not exist
62020PAYERMID_PAYEEMID_ARE_SAMEPayerMid and PayeeMid cannot be the same
62026PRODUCT_IS_NOT_APPLIEDMerchant does not have permission to use this API, please contact PayBy
62031MISSING_IAP_DEVICE_IDMissing iapDeviceId
62032MISSING_APP_IDMissing AppId
62033MISSING_AUTHCODEMissing authCode
62034INVALID_APP_IDInvalid appId
62036MERCHANT_DEVICE_NOT_EXISTThis device doesnot exist in merchant account
62037DEVICE_ACCESS_FORBIDDENThis device is forbidden to access
62042MISSING_AUTH_PROTOCOL_NOMissing authProtocolNo
62047MISSING_AUTH_TOKENMissing authToken
62048MISSING_UNIQUE_DEVICEMissing uniqueDevice
62049MISSING_CARD_NOMissing cardNo
62050MISSING_HOLDER_NAMEMissing holderName
62051MISSING_CVVMissing cvv
62052MISSING_PLATFORM_TYPEMissing platformType
62053MISSING_EXP_YEARMissing expYear
62054MISSING_EXP_MONTHMissing expMonth
62055MISSING_CUSTOMER_IDMissing customerId
62056MISSING_EMAILMissing email
62057INVALID_SAVE_CARDInvalid saveCard, please pass true or false
62058INVALID_THREEDSECUREInvalid threeDSecure, please pass true or false
62059INVALID_EMAILInvalid email
62060INVALID_PLATFORM_TYPEInvalid platformType, please check the enumerated values
62061MISSING_REAL_IPMissing realIP
62062INVALID_REAL_IPInvalid realIP
62063INVALID_EXP_YEARInvalid expYear
62064INVALID_EXP_MONTHInvalid expMonth
62065INVALID_CARD_NOInvalid cardNo
62066INVALID_CVVInvalid cvv
62067HOLDER_NAME_TOO_LONGHolder name max length is 64
62068MISSING_SAVE_CARDMissing saveCard
62069CARD_NO_LENGTH_UNMATCHcardNo length does not meet the requirements, usually 16 to19
62070CARD_BIN_NOT_SUPPORTEDcardBin does not support
62071CARD_BIN_UNAVAILABLEcardBin unavailable
62072MISSING_REDIRECT_URLMissing redirectUrl
62073INVALID_ONE_TIME_PAYMENTInvalid oneTimePayment, please pass true or false
62078CARD_NOT_EXISTCard not saved or has been deleted
62079MISSING_CARD_NO_CARD_TOKENcardToken and cardNo cannot be empty at the same time
62080MISSING_EWALLET_CODEMissing eWalletCode
62081INVALID_EWALLET_CODEInvalid eWalletCode, please check the enumerated values

Cancel order

62001ORDER_PAIDCancel order request cannot be executed when order is in this state
62002ORDER_FAILURECancel order request cannot be executed when order is in this state
62003ORDER_SETTLEDCancel order request cannot be executed when order is in this state
62004MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTThe merchant order number being passed does not exist, please check the parameter
62035ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTOrder number does not exist, please check the parameter

Revoke order

62004MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTMerchant order number does not exist, please check the parameter
62035ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTOrder number does not exist, please check the parameter
62039REVOKE_FAILURERequest failed, please try again
62041ACQUIRE_ORDER_REFUNDEDThe order has been refunded and cannot be revoked
62046REVOKE_REJECTEDRequest is rejected

Refund order

62002ORDER_FAILURERefund order request cannot be executed when order is in this state
62004MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTMerchant order number does not exist, please check the parameter
62006REFUND_AMOUNT_EXCEEDEDRefund amount exceeds refundable amount
62015ORDER_NOT_PAIDRefund order request cannot be executed when order is in this state
62017REFUND_MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_EXISTThe refund merchant order number has generated a refund order
62035ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTThe order number of payment does not exist, please check the parameter
62036MERCHANT_DEVICE_NOT_EXISTThis device doesnot exist in merchant account
62038INVALID_SECONDARY_MERCHANTThe parameter secondary merchant must be the same with that of the payment order
62040ACQUIRE_ORDER_REVOKEDThe payment order has been revoked and cannot be refunded
62045REFUND_REJECTEDRequest is rejected

Retrieve checkout URL

62082TOKEN_URL_NOT_EXISTtokenUrl does not exist or has expired

Retrieve order detail

62004MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTThe merchant order number being passed does not exist, please check the parameter
62035ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTThe order number being passed does not exist, please check the parameter



62002ORDER_FAILUREThe order has failed
62016MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_EXISTThe merchant order number has generated a transfer order
62020PAYERMID_PAYEEMID_ARE_SAMEPayer and payee cannot be the same
62023NAME_NOT_MATCHThe payee name being passed does not match the KYC information
62026PRODUCT_IS_NOT_APPLIEDMerchant does not have permission to use this API, please contact PayBy
62027BENEFICIARY_NOT_EXISTThe payee does not exist
62028ORDER_SUCCESSThe order has been successful
62029ORDER_CREATEDThe order has been created

Transfer to bank

62002ORDER_FAILUREThe order has failed
62016MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_EXISTThe merchant order number has generated a transfer order
62026PRODUCT_IS_NOT_APPLIEDMerchant does not have permission to use this API, please contact PayBy
62028ORDER_SUCCESSThe order has been successful
62029ORDER_CREATEDThe order has been created

Transaction failure reason

92000Risk control rejectionPayBy risk control system rejected the transaction
92001The amount of transaction exceeds the limitTransaction amount exceeds the maximum limit
92002The number of transactions exceeds the limitThe number of transactions exceeds the maximum limit
92003Non-KYC user transactionsUser has not completed KYC verification
92004Channel rejectionThe external fundout channel rejected the transaction

Retrieve order detail

62004MERCHANT_ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTThe merchant order number being passed does not exist, please check the parameter
62035ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTThe order number being passed does not exist, please check the parameter


Unbind card

62078CARD_NOT_EXISTCard not saved or has been deleted

Retrieve card detail

62078CARD_NOT_EXISTCard not saved or has been deleted


Download statements

62013STATEMENT_NOT_EXISTStatement not generated. Please wait a few minutes or check if the date being passed is a future date.

Digital Receipt

76001ORDER_NO_NOT_EXISTThe order number being passed does not exist, please check the parameter
76002PRODUCT_IS_NOT_APPLIEDMerchant does not have permission to use this API, please contact PayBy
76003MEMBER_NOT_EXISTThe payBy partner id being passed does not exist, please check the parameter
76004RECEIPT_NO_NOT_EXISTThe receipt number being passed does not exist, please check the parameter